
You've arrived here because you're curious about discovering your Positude.

We've got you covered with the Personal Positude 1-on-1 Discovery.

We all know what we do, and how we do it, but very few of us know how to find our Positude when all chips are down. When the going gets tough. Consider Positude as the fire within—it provides us with focus om what’s within our control without losing sight of the end goal.

While we offer live Positude classes led by Chris’ master trainers in a group setting, the Personal Positude 1-on-1 Discovery is a tailored session with one of Chris’s Master Trainers designed to guide you to a first draft of your Positude in a single meeting.

You'll also receive tools to think more clearly about your HOWs and WHATs in relation to your Positude in your work, life, and relationships.

How It Works

1. Schedule your session
2. Meet on Zoom
3. Receive a personalized WHY document

It takes a willingness to be open, to share personal stories, and to trust the process. Vegas rules apply: what happens in your session, stays in your session.


  • Great! Thanks for asking. How about yours?

  • All of Chris’s Master Trainers are experienced and excellent WHY partners, so you really can’t go wrong! But a member of our team is more than happy to talk with you if you have specific questions. Contact us here.

  • The date you select should be your ideal pick. Of course our trainers’ calendars may not always perfectly align with yours, but we make every effort to accommodate your schedule.

  • We know that life happens, and we want to help you on your WHY journey. If needed, we allow you a one-time reschedule so you can still make your session.