Listen and Enjoy Inspirational, Empowering, Intimate and disarmingly-unfiltered conversations with successful individuals reflecting on and celebrating people in their lives past and present whose shoulders they stand on. The people who have taught them about living a fully-engaged, fiercely-connected and impactful life. All designed to light you up, guide you through life’s big questions and help bring you one step closer to your best self but also appreciate the #TheSilentGiants in your own life.
#14 Scott Mauvais on future of work, Upward Mobility, Equality, Fairness and current conversations about race.
#13 Carol Adams on love, empathy, and compassion. How to inspire purpose and pride in those among us who are less fortunate.
#12 Fire Chief, Jan Rader on: The other pandemic in America: The opioid crisis, and what it takes to save human lives
#11 Gary Liu on China, Hong Kong [Protests & COVID-19], and the future of the US-China conflict!
#10 Child sexual exploitation in times of Covid-19, and the time she went undercover as a trafficked kid to aid the police to catch pedophiles. [With Cheryl Perera]
#9 How To Make The Art Market Transparent & How To Crack The Code And Become A Successful Artist [with Professor Magnus Resch]
#8 Bias in humans and in technologies [with Professor De Kai]
#7 From Iraqi Refugee to the American Dream [With Faisal Al Mutar]
#6 What white people can do to be better allies to black folks [With Chuck Nice]
#5 Every young person needs a champion [With Ashanti Branch]
#4 How to be bold and ask for what you want [With Amanda Palmer]
#3 Creativity and self-care in trying times [With Ashanti Branch]
#2 How to boost your mental and emotional health [With Guy Winch]
#1 How to bring a socially just human presence on the planet [With Lynne Twist]
Self-made is a Myth. No One is That Good. We all stand on the shoulders of other people.
-Chris Ategeka