Hi, I’m Chris Ategeka
. I am an engineer by training, a repeat entrepreneur, an author, a veteran Impact investor, and a TED speaker.

At root, I'm a big systems thinker, a wholehearted optimist, a boundless dreamer, and a change-maker.

Gratitude and positivity are central to who I am. Feel free to scroll down to check out a detailed bio and my offerings.

It's very nice to meet you!

Below Are Some Ways To Connect

  1. Books



Silicon is shaping the 21st Century. Semiconductor chips are the new oil and gold combined— fueling global power shifts. Asia's factories are leading the charge. China's ambitions are on the rise and the west is scrambling for strategy. In "Silicon Century", the author reveals the high-stakes chess game of semiconductors in a fun engaging way. From geopolitical tensions to the economy and national security risks. The book explores the future innovations, environmental challenges, and investment potential— ultimately showing how this tiny technology is rapidly reshaping our world.


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"The Money Mirror is a transformative book that guides readers on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment in their relationship with money. The book explores the psychological, emotional, and practical aspects of personal finance, helping readers identify and challenge their deeply ingrained money scripts, align their financial choices with their values, break the silence around money through honest conversations, seek ongoing financial education, and cultivate a growth mindset. Ultimately, "The Money Mirror" invites readers to experience profound and lasting transformation in their relationship with money, using it as a force for good in their lives and the world around them.


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Bliss Chase is an exploration of modern addiction in its many forms and the pursuit of perfection through the eyes of two friends’ relentless pursuit of dopamine rushes, and quests that lead to a series of humorous yet thought-provoking misadventures, challenging their friendship, values, and understanding of true happiness.


Discover the technologies and trends that threaten humanity and our planet. How can we rein them back in, together?

This book gets you to consider the future of humanity we wish to collectively build, and whether we can rebuild a capacity for empathy at scale in our tech tools that allows for a kind, environmentally sustainable, spiritually fulfilling, and socially just planet for all.

This book is a delightful collection of one-liners that will keep you entertained on your coffee table. In this book, Chris crafts some of the most clever one-liners from his observations traveling and living in many parts of the world. With over 100 side-splitting jokes and One-Liners, you'll discover puns, zingers, and witty lines that are sure to tickle your funny bone and leave you rolling your eyes with glee. This book is a lighthearted exploration of life's absurdities and cultural mishaps that will leave you with a smile on your face.

The book explores the risks and impacts of AI to humanity. From understanding the foundations of AI to addressing value alignment, explainability, and privacy concerns, Chris covers a wide range of topics. It delves into bias, fairness, governance, and policy considerations while e
mphasizing the integration of safety measures in AI development. With case studies, ethical discussions, and future implications, this book equips readers with the knowledge and tools to navigate the challenges and actively contribute to the responsible development of AI for the benefit of humanity.

Have you ever been faced with a complex idea or problem and felt overwhelmed and unsure of where to start? Or you’ve tried something over and over and feel like you are not getting any where? If so, you're not alone. This book takes complex ideas on how the world works and distills them into simple, actionable steps in an easy approachable way. It will help you understand the forces that work for and against you in order to unlock your full potential.

This novel revolves around six “third-culture” friends living in San Francisco. A city of beauty, self-driving cars, and tech bros as they navigate the ups and downs of culture, relationships, work, and personal growth. These six friends are Ela, Ethan, Fin, Zara, Maya, and Riley. Zara is an African woman who immigrated to the United States. In her newly adopted country, Zara lives a third-culture life. Ethan grew up in a household where his mom is Jewish, and his dad is Christian. Growing up in a household with two beliefs under one roof, Ethan had to develop a third culture. Ela has two parents, each with opposite political beliefs. Dad is a staunch Republican, and Mom is a strong Democrat. In a quest to understand where they fit in, Ela lives a third-culture life. Maya is a black woman married to a white man; this relationship creates a third-culture. Fin is a gay man who moved from Balltown, Iowa, a small town, in search of a better life in San Francisco — a big city. Fin recently came out as gay to his parents. As soon as Dad received the news, it was embraced with love and warmth, but the Mom’s reaction was fire and fury of icy chill intolerance. Due to the dynamic of his parents, Fin lives in a third culture. And finally, Riley was born and raised in a mixedrace household. Her mom is Japanese, and her Dad is white, creating a third-culture for Riley. Come on a journey as we delve into how these characters fit in by not fitting in. And how they toast to their unique individualities and realize that if they were any more diverse, they’d be a United Nations peace treaty.

2. speaking Engagements

For over 10 years now, I have been a regular speaker in many spaces all around the world. Since I speak to diverse range of audiences of varying sizes, it’s possible to find me speaking to students, to a prison population, or to Fortune 500 companies and anything in between. I would love to contribute content to your audience, virtual or in-person. Feel free to reach out. See list of previous clients below.

3. Need Help Writing a Book? Let’s Talk….

Most people want to write a book but a small percent ever do. Why?

Writing is hard. What’s even harder is the blackhole/opaque world of publishing. Anyone can have an idea and tell a story, but it takes real craft, dedication and knowing where to look to turn that idea into a book.

As a repeat author and someone who has helped other authors publish, I can help guide you through the writing process with my author coaching offering at our company Positude Publishing. Think of me as a writing ally— in it for the long haul.

I help leaders and visionaries like you write, publish, and share your stories with the world.

4. Meaning and Mattering

Those who are lucky derive meaning, mattering and purpose in different ways that involve benefiting others, as well as oneself. You may think of it as a way to feel needed, wanted, feel like you have value, feel good about yourself, a purpose that drives you on, or simply a reason to get out of bed in the morning. But so many people struggle with these thoughts.

Why am I alive? What is the purpose of my existence? You may have had it in the past but it faded away, and the current work or lack there of, is not fulfilling. You may have not discovered it yet.

My four sessions (1.5 hours each) help you access your meaning, mattering, and purpose. Over the course of the sessions, we derive the central themes in your life that will guide the different ways you want to benefit others and can impact the world.

Whatever the reason, this 6-hour module will help you arrive at the answers. During the sessions, I never ask you to share any personal information or thoughts, instead, I guide you through questions and a process that will help you arrive at the answers you need to meet your goals and shift your life to one full of Meaning, Mattering, and Purpose. I simply guide you through it.

If this is you…lets talk.

5. “life Dose,” Our Weekly Newsletter

Honors & Awards

2021 UC Berkeley Mark Bingham Award for Excellence in Achievement by a Young Alumnus/a
2017 TED Fellow
2016 WEF Young Global Leader
2015 Muhammad Ali Humanitarian Award
2015 Ashoka Fellow
2015 Cordes Fellow
2014 Forbes 30 Under 30 Social Entrepreneurs
2014 CGI U
2014 SET Africa Award
2014 United Nations Global Accelerator
2014 Harambe Entrepreneur Alliance Fellow
2013 Echoing Green Fellow
2013 African Forum - 100 Innovations for Sustainable Development





Human beings are a serious threat to the survival of living things on earth including humans
— Christopher Ategeka


As the developers get the robots out there—let’s not forget what it means to be human—the soul, the emotions, the Intentions and the desires.
— Christopher Ategeka